Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CHS Ceramics Class is Smokin'!

CHS Advanced Ceramics students participated in a Raku firing. Raku ware is a type of traditional Japanese firing process. The glazed ware is removed from the kiln while the pieces are glowing hot and placed in a container consisting newspaper (or anything that burns, such as sawdust, straw, etc). Then the lid to the container is placed firmly back on creating a reduction atmosphere. Closing the can starves the air of oxygen after the combustible materials catch fire, forcing the reaction to pull oxygen from the glazes and the clay. A metallic effect is left behind on the glaze, the clay turns black, and a "one of a kind" piece of pottery is the result.

Twice a year, Ceramics students complete this firing process as their Final Project. This is a tradition of sorts started more than 15 years ago with the help of area potter Ralph Stuckman. CHS owns a portable kiln which is wheeled out into the parking lot for the firing. Every year its exciting to see the results of this traditional process.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1st CSHS Alumni Exhibit Scheduled

Come join us for our first ever Alumni Exhibit. It will be held in conjunction with the Annual Student Art Show on Sunday, May 1, 2011 from 2-5pm in the High School Cafeteria. All CSHS graduates are invited to bring in artwork created in high school that was shown in the art show or any artwork that has been created post-graduation. Drop offs will be during the week prior to the shows opening. Contact Amy Sutter ( or Kathy Place ( with any questions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Page on Facebook

CHS Visual Voices also has a Facebook Page! Visit us for updates on what's happening in the art room at Celina High School.